Downspout Drainage
Los Angeles | Ventura County | Orange County | Santa Barbara | Malibu
Why Downspout Drainage Is Necessary?
- Downspout drainage are designed to channel rain runoff from roof away from foundation and living areas.
- Rain runoff from roof, roof gutters, and down spouts can pour hundreds of gallons of water to downspout drainage.
- Downspout drainage requires 1/4” per foot sloping to effectively drain rain runoff to discharge location.
- Defective downspout drainage will saturate the below grade soil against your foundation creating hydrostatic pressure.
- Saturated soil conditions at foundation create high moisture levels in crawl spaces resulting in mold conditions.
Downspout drainage prevents:
- Saturated soil conditions.
- Foundation leaks.
- Basement leaks.
- Crawl space leaks.
Downspout drainage questions? Call 1-888-650-0111
- Provide written warranties for downspout drainage.
- Licensed certified downspout drainage technicians.
- Licensed certified french drains technicians.
- California B744545 general contractor license.
Existing Downspout Drainage Leaking Into Residence
- Downspout drain leaking into residence requires removal of existing concrete step to replace drain pipe.
- Why existing flex drain not recommended for downspout drainage.
- Flex drains are prone to cracking.
- Flex drains difficult to correctly slope at 1/4” per foot for effective drainage.
- Flex drain extending above walkway surface is not correct, drains must be flush with walkway surface.
- Rigid downspout drains prevents deflection required to provide correct sloping.
Downspout Drainage Installed Under Steps
- Leaks to existing downspout drainage causing water damage in residence.
- Foundation, crawl space leaks elevate interior moisture, humidity levels creating indoor mold growth.
- Schedule 40 PVC drainage pipes allow for tighter fitting connections preventing root penetrations and clogging.
- Crack resistant schedule 40 PVC drainage pipe recommended for below grade installations.
- Drain pipe on right connected to a french drain positioned at footing elevation in garage.
Flagstone Step Installation Over Drainage Pipe
- Downspout drainage transition installed flush with flagstone step.
- Flush drainage installation allows for easy clean out access at downspout connection.
- Concealed flush drainage installation creates streamline appearance.
Downspout Drainage Installed Under Flagstone
- Drainage pipe sloped 1/4” per ft. to allow for gravity of water to discharge location.
Questions about downspout drainage? Call 1-888-650-0111.
Downspout Drainage Leaking Under Walkway
- Defective downspout drainage leaking under walkway creating water damage and mold to residence.
- Flex drains are prone to cracking causing below grade leaks and foundation / crawl space leaks.
Separate Drain Pipe For Downspout
- High levels of roof runoff require separate drain pipe for downspout drainage.
- French drains and downspout drainage cannot be combined.
- Heavy rain storms will overwhelm combined drainage system preventing adequate systems drainage.
- Center pipe, french drains wrapped in filter fabric requires separate discharge location.
- Drain pipe on right connects to driveway grate drain and requires separate discharge location.
Note: Heavy rains would overwhelm drainage system if drainage were combined.
Downspout Drainage Clogged With Sediment
- Existing downspout drainage clogged with sediment preventing roof water drainage in heavy rain storms.
- Clogged drainage pipes causes roof rain water to saturate soil against foundation creating elevated moisture levels in crawl space mold and below grade foundations.
Defective Drainage Three Story Condo Complex
- Roots clogging downspout drain pipes restricting drainage and creating back ups during rain storms.
- Expanding root system in downspout drainage cracking drain pipe connections allowing below grade drain water leaks.
Defective Downspout Drainage
- Excavated downspout drain pipe with french drains riser pipe clogged with roots.
- Warning: Only solid pipe is allowed for downspout drainage, perforated "french drains" allow root penetration into pipes.
- Warning: Existing schedule 35 drain pipe are prone to cracking at connections allowing roots and sediment to clog drain pipes.
- Warning: Defective and clogged drainage pipes will result in back up failures when heavy rains occur.
Drainage Questions? Call 1-888-650-0111.
Replacement Downspout Drainage
- Crack resistant schedule 40 PVC replacement downspout drainage connected to street curb cores.
- Pipe connections sealed to prevent roots and sediment from entering drainage pipes.
Downspout Drainage connected To Street Curb Cores
- Building codes allow downspout drainage discharging to street curb cores.
- Warning: French drains "pictured right" and downspout drainage can not be combined and require separate discharge locations.
- Downspout drain connected to pipe under sidewalk to street curb core.
Curb Cores For Downspout Drainage
- Three floor condo complex downspout drainage discharging to street cores.
- Note: Cores at base of planter walls discharge ground water for planter french drains.